
Here (12A)

Reuniting director Robert Zemeckis and stars Tom Hanks and Robin Wright of Forrest Gump, Here is an original film about one small spot of land and those who inhabit it.

Reuniting director Robert Zemeckis and stars Tom Hanks and Robin Wright of Forrest Gump, Here is an original film about one small spot of land and those who inhabit it.

The story travels through generations, from the distant past to present day - from first Americans to suburban couples experiencing love, laughter and loss.


The 11.30am screening on Thu 6 Feb is a Cinema Bambino screening.

  • This screening is exclusively for parents and carers with babies under 12 months old.
  • Customers must be accompanied by a child under 12 months to be permitted entry.
  • These are not family screenings so there is no admittance to children over 12 months

Buy Tickets

Wednesday 5 Feb 20256:00pm Book Now
Thursday 6 Feb 202511:30am Book Now (Cinema Bambino No Baby No Entry!)
Thursday 6 Feb 20258:15pm Book Now