Set almost entirely on the snowy peaks above the town of Chamonix, The Mountain follows the story of a mild-mannered French engineer who, apparently on a whim quits his employment, pitches his tent amidst the glaciers, and feels no desire to return to civilisation.
Set almost entirely on the snowy peaks and rock faces of the Mont Blanc massif above the town of Chamonix, this is ostensibly the story of a mild-mannered Paris-based French engineer sent on a job in the Alps who, apparently on a whim then quits his employment, pitches his tent amidst the glaciers, and feels no desire to return to civilisation.
Stunning Alpine photography sets the background for a delicate love story nestling at the heart of the film. Director Thomas Salvador also gives an enigmatic performance as a man who is attempting to lose himself in his surroundings.
Screening as part of French Film Festival UK.